Sunday, August 12, 2007


I've been doing some research this weekend. I thought I'd share a little of what I discovered with the world. Now, let me first and foremost mention that my primary (and only) source for this research was copyrighted in 2004, so the material may not be the most up-to-date, but it is intriguing just the same. So as not to overwhelm my audience, I think the best course of action might be to share a little tidbit every now and then; perhaps when I feel the need to post and have absolutely nothing interesting to write about.

So, here's the first installment of "research..."

In French folklore, dreaming about poop is an omen that good fortune is on the way (Bathroom Readers' Institute, 2004).

Was anyone aware of that? Has anyone, in fact, ever had a dream about poop? I've dreamed many, many crazy things in my life (most recently that I was having a "restaurant affair" with my boss from college, in which we would eat out for every single meal, go back to the office, relieve ourselves, and then make out...hey, I guess that does involve poop!), but I don't particularly recall dreams in which poop is the explicit focus. Poop does play quite a large role during my waking hours...I change Harris' diaper (and see colors and textures I had no idea could be produced by the human body), pick up poop belonging to Norm and/or Woody while walking, and even spend a fair amount of time on the porcelain king myself, but the good fortune of having poop in my dreams always seems to escape me. Maybe I'll get lucky tonight.

And just in case you're wondering, Uncle John's Slightly Irregular Bathroom Reader is a great source not only for research, but also for pure entertainment.

1 comment:

Deanna said...

So I gave this one 24 whole hours before commenting. I thought maybe I'd dream about poop, or at least come up with something clever to say in response. I got nothin'. I guess that means I really shouldn't comment...